

Jumbo Water Filter Cartridges - (4.5" x 10") or (4.5" x 20")

Filter Size

We Supply a range of 4.5" x 10" or 4.5" x 20" Jumbo Filters:

  • Pleated Filter - 20 micron
  • Poly Spun Filter - 5 micron
  • Poly Spun Filter - 1 micron
  • Carbon Block Filter - 5 micron


  • Large filter for Jumbo " housings
  • Suitable for all 10 inch Big Blue, Big White or Jumbo sized Housings.
  • Further savings are provided because our 100% synthetic filter media is washable

    4.5" x 10" or 4.5" x 20" Jumbo Filters:

        • Filters Uses and Applications:

          Water Tank Filtration:

          For a standard only roof collection water tank installation we normally recommend using a two stage (stage 1 and 2 below)filter system, this removes all the larger and then smaller particles from the water followed by a Ultra Violet treatment, if you are topping up from a council supply (chlorine) or have an odour rich water supply then add a Carbon Filter (stage 3 below)

          Town Water Filtration:

          For Town Water a single carbon filter (stage 3 below) or a 2 stage system (stage 2 and 3 below) is recommended, this reduces most of the chlorine and chemicals added to the water, an Ultra Violet Treatment system is not essential as the living organisms in the water should be eradicated by the chlorine and council chemicals. However if you are storing water onsite then look at the water tank filtration above.

          Stage 1: 20 Micron Pleated - This removes larger particles ler than 20 micron from your water supply, taking out larger items like leaves and physical debris. 

          More info on these Cartridges:

          Stage 2: 1 Micron Poly spun Filter - This removes smaller particles up to 1 micron in size, taking out very small particles in the water even parasites like Giardia (opens in new window)

          More info on these cartridges:

          While we normally recommend a 1 micron Filter, in some rural applications it is necessary to revert to a 5 micron filter esp where high deposits of silt are coming out from a bore, there information is on the same 1 micron filter page above (just select the 5 micron option), We would recommend installing a 1 micron Filter and if you are finding a significant water pressure  drop before 6 months, replace the filter with a 5 micron option.

          Stage 3: Carbon Filters are ideal for reducing odours, taste and chlorine in your water supply, we have options of solid block carbon filters and granular activated carbon filters. They are similar in design however the block carbon filter (CTO) can reduce water flow but produce a better result and granular carbon filters (GAC) can allow better flow rates however water to channel to a degree making them slightly less effective. 

          1" Filters or 20" Filters:

          This is a bit of a debate however when we make recommendations relating to Filter Sizes 10 inch or 20 inch we recommend that it depends on usage. We believe that replacing your water filter cartridge more regularly is better to keep water clean and bacteria free, but within reason. A guide to water filter replacement is every 6 months, if you have a large house (i.e. 3+ bathroom and washing machine, dishwasher and...) then go for the 20" filters if you have a small house or bach (i.e. 1 bathroom etc) then 1" filters are plenty. The standard 2 bathroom house, depends on how much water you use, if you are not very conservative, don't want to loose pressure, have a larger family then go for the 2" filters, if you live in a mid sized house with fewer people of very conservative then 10" filters.

        • How Often should I change my water filters?

          We believe that replacing your water filter cartridge more regularly is more optimal to keep water clean and bacteria free, within reason. A good practice wold be to replace every 6 months.

          What size filter should I Choose?

          This is a bit of a debate, however when we make recommendations relating to Filter Sizes 10 inch or 20 inch.

          Our recommendation would it depends on your Average usage, if you have a large house (i.e. 3+ bathroom and washing machine, dishwasher and...) then go for the " filters, if you have a small house or bach (i.e. 1 bathroom etc) then 10" filters are plenty.

          The standard 2 bathroom house, depends on how much water you use, if you are not very conservative, don't want to loose pressure, or have a larger family then go for the 20" filters, if you live in a mid sized house with fewer people of very conservative water sage then go for 10" filters.

          What Type of filter should I choose?

          Choosing the right water filtration system would depend on the type of water you want to filter.

          Our general Guide line is as follows:

          For a standard only roof collection water tank installation we normally recommend using a two stage filter system, this removes all the larger and then smaller particles from the water, if you are topping up from a council supply (chlorine) or have an odour rich water supply then add a Carbon Filter as a 3rd stage

          Adding a U.V. system destroys 99.99% of Harmful micro-organisms, including E-coli, Cryptosporidium, campylobacter and Giardia. (This is the most cost effective and efficient method For the treatment of Biological contaminated water containin"faecal coliforms" caused by Birds, possums on exposed gutters and Live stock faecal run off into streams or shallow Bores)

          Pleated filters:
        • Suitable for tank water
        • For the removal of sediment

        • Poly Spun Filters:
        • Suitable for tank water
        • For the removal of Fine sediment

        • Carbon Block Filter:
        • Suitable for tank water
        • Ideal to be used if your water tank supply is top up with council water (Primarily used for the reduction of taste, chlorine, pesticides and odors)

        • Granular Carbon Filter:
        • Suitable for tank water
        • Ideal to be used if your water tank supply is top up with council water (Carbon filtration is excellent for reducing Chlorine, Bad Taste, Odor & Color and can be effective for removal of many chemical contaminants.)

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 30 reviews
    Eric Nienhuis
    Great service

    Phone, order, done!
    Thanks for the efficient service.

    Paul Kelly
    Quick and easy .

    Website easy to use, quick to order and product arrived in record time.

    Alistair Presland

    fast service and exactly the product I needed.

    B Tynan
    Best choice ever

    Will admit I was sceptical of such reasonable pricing on parts sold in similar ‘packages’ elsewhere for twice the price. Or the more pure technology brands for even more. But these guys delivered the same great products and proven brand names for an affordable system. Self installed on compact (tiny) home on town supply. Carbon block filter makes the heaviest water light and refreshing straight from tap. You really notice the chlorine and other odours elsewhere on same supply after even short term use.

    Andrew Winborn
    Replacement filters

    Website easy to navigate, competitive pricing and fast delivery. Excellent service. Will use again.
    Thanks Andy